Definitions for dischargeable
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To relieve of a charge, load, or burden; to empty of a load or cargo; to unburden; to unload; as, to discharge a vessel.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To free of the missile with which anything is charged or loaded; to let go the charge of; as, to discharge a bow, catapult, etc.; especially, said of firearms, -- to fire off; to shoot off; also, to relieve from a state of tension, as a Leyden jar.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To of something weighing upon or impeding over one, as a debt, claim, obligation, responsibility, accusation, etc.; to absolve; to acquit; to clear.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To relieve of an office or employment; to send away from service; to dismiss.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To release legally from confinement; to set at liberty; as, to discharge a prisoner.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To put forth, or remove, as a charge or burden; to take out, as that with which anything is loaded or filled; as, to discharge a cargo.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To let fly, as a missile; to shoot.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To set aside; to annul; to dismiss.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To throw off the obligation of, as a duty or debt; to relieve one's self of, by fulfilling conditions, performing duty, trust, and the like; hence, to perform or execute, as an office, or part.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To send away (a creditor) satisfied by payment; to pay one's debt or obligation to.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To give forth; to emit or send out; as, a pipe discharges water; to let fly; to give expression to; to utter; as, to discharge a horrible oath.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - To prohibit; to forbid.
  • Discharge (v. i.) - To throw off or deliver a load, charge, or burden; to unload; to emit or give vent to fluid or other contents; as, the water pipe discharges freely.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - The act of discharging; the act of relieving of a charge or load; removal of a load or burden; unloading; as, the discharge of a ship; discharge of a cargo.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - Firing off; explosive removal of a charge; explosion; letting off; as, a discharge of arrows, of artillery.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - Act of relieving of something which oppresses or weighs upon one, as an obligation, liability, debt, accusation, etc.; acquittance; as, the discharge of a debtor.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - Act of removing, or getting rid of, an obligation, liability, etc.; fulfillment, as by the payment of a debt, or the performance of a trust or duty.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - Release or dismissal from an office, employment, etc.; dismission; as, the discharge of a workman by his employer.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - Legal release from confinement; liberation; as, the discharge of a prisoner.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - The state of being discharged or relieved of a debt, obligation, office, and the like; acquittal.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - That which discharges or releases from an obligation, liability, penalty, etc., as a price of ransom, a legal document.
  • Discharge (v. t.) - A flowing or issuing out; emission; vent; evacuation; also, that which is discharged or emitted; as, a rapid discharge of water from the pipe.
  • Dischargeable - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discharged (imp. & p. p.) - of Discharge
  • Discharger (n.) - One who, or that which, discharges. Specifically, in electricity, an instrument for discharging a Leyden jar, or electrical battery, by making a connection between the two surfaces; a discharging rod.
  • Dischargers - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discharges - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discharging (p. pr. & vb. n.) - of Discharge
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
aa ab ad ae ag ah ai al ar as ba be bi de ed eh el er es ha he hi id is la li re sh si
4 Letter Words
aahs aals abas abed able abri aced aces ache acid acre agar agas aged agee ager ages agha ahed ahis aide aids ails airs alae alar alas alba albs alec alee ales alga arbs arch arcs area ares aria arid aril arse asci asea baal baas bach bade bads bags bail bald bale bals bard bare bars base bash bead bear beds beer bees begs bels berg bias bice bide bids bier bigs bile bird birl bise blae blah bled brad brae brag bras bred bree brie brig bris cabs cade cadi cads cage caid carb card care carl cars casa case cash cede cedi cees ceil cels cere chad chai char chia chid chis cigs cire clad clag crab crag cred crib cris dabs dace dags dahl dahs dais dale dals darb dare dash deal dear debs deer dees deil dele deli dels dere dhal dial dibs dice diel dies digs dire dirl disc dish drab drag dree dreg drib each earl ears ease eche edge edhs eels egad egal eger egis eide elds elhi else eras ergs gabs gadi gads gaed gaes gala gale gals garb gars gash gear geds geed gees geld gels ghee ghis gibe gibs gids gied gies gild gird girl glad gled glee glia glib grab grad gree grid haar hade haed haes hags hail hair hale hard hare harl head heal hear hebe heed heel heil heir held herb herd here herl hers hide hied hies hila hire iced ices ichs idea ides idle ilea ired ires isba isle labs lace lacs lade lads lags laic laid lair lard lari lars lase lash lead lear leas lech leer lees legs lehr leis liar libs lice lich lids lied lier lies lira lire race rads raga rage ragi rags raia raid rail rais rale rase rash read real rebs recs rede reds reed reel rees regs reis resh rhea rial rias ribs rice rich ride rids riel rigs rile rise sabe sade sadi saga sage said sail sale sard sari scab scad scag scar seal sear seed seel seer sera sere shad shag shea shed shri sial sice side sidh sigh sild sire slab slag sled slid