Definitions for duplicators
  • Duplicabilities - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicability - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicable - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicate (a.) - Double; twofold.
  • Duplicate (n.) - That which exactly resembles or corresponds to something else; another, correspondent to the first; hence, a copy; a transcript; a counterpart.
  • Duplicate (n.) - An original instrument repeated; a document which is the same as another in all essential particulars, and differing from a mere copy in having all the validity of an original.
  • Duplicate (v. t.) - To double; to fold; to render double.
  • Duplicate (v. t.) - To make a duplicate of (something); to make a copy or transcript of.
  • Duplicate (v. t.) - To divide into two by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, infusoria duplicate themselves.
  • Duplicated (imp. & p. p.) - of Duplicate
  • Duplicately - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicates - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicating (p. pr. & vb. n.) - of Duplicate
  • Duplication (n.) - The act of duplicating, or the state of being duplicated; a doubling; a folding over; a fold.
  • Duplication (n.) - The act or process of dividing by natural growth or spontaneous action; as, the duplication of cartilage cells.
  • Duplications - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicative (a.) - Having the quality of duplicating or doubling.
  • Duplicative (a.) - Having the quality of subdividing into two by natural growth.
  • Duplicator - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicators - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicator's - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Duplicities (pl. ) - of Duplicity
  • Duplicity (n.) - Doubleness; a twofold state.
  • Duplicity (n.) - Doubleness of heart or speech; insincerity; a sustained form of deception which consists in entertaining or pretending to entertain one of feelings, and acting as if influenced by another; bad faith.
  • Duplicity (n.) - The use of two or more distinct allegations or answers, where one is sufficient.
  • Duplicity (n.) - In indictments, the union of two incompatible offenses.
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
ad ai al ar as at do id is it la li lo od oi op or os pa pi si so ta ti to up us ut
4 Letter Words
acid acts adit ados aids ails airs airt aits alit alps also alto alts apod apos arco arcs arid aril arts asci atop auld auto cadi cads caid calo capo caps card carl carp cars cart cast cats caul ciao cist clad clap clip clod clop clot coal coat coda cods coil coir cola cold cols colt cops cord cors cost cots coup crap cris crit crop crud crus cuds cult cups curd curl curs curt cusp cuts dais dals daps dart dato daut dial diol dips dipt dirl dirt disc dita dits doat docs doit dols dolt dopa dorp dors dost dots dour drat drip drop dual duci duct duit duos dups dura duro dust idol iota lacs lads laic laid lair laps lard lari lars last lati lats latu laud liar lido lids lipa lips lira lisp list lits litu load loca loci loid lops lord lost lota loti lots loud loup lour lout lust oars oast oats ocas odas odic oils olds opal opts opus orad oral orca orcs orts osar otic ouds ours oust outs pacs pact padi pads paid pail pair pals pard pars part past pats pial pias pica pics piso pita pits plat plod plot plus pods pois pols port post pots pour pout prao prat prau proa prod pros ptui puds pula puli puls puri purl purs puts rads raid rail rais raps rapt rasp rato rats rial rias rids riot rips road rocs rods roil rota roti rotl rots roup rout rust ruts sadi said sail salp salt sard sari sati saul scad scar scat scop scot scud scup scut sial sild silo silt slap slat slid slip slit slop slot slur slut soap soar soca soda soil sola sold soli sora sord sori sort soul soup sour spar spat spic spit spot spud spur star stir stoa stop stud suit sura surd taco tads tail talc tali taos taps taro tarp tars taus tics tils tips tirl tiro toad tods toil tola told tolu topi tops tora torc tori tors tour trad trap trio trip trod trop tsar tuis tups turd udos upas updo urds uric urps ursa utas