Definitions for equinoctials
  • Equinoctial (a.) - Pertaining to an equinox, or the equinoxes, or to the time of equal day and night; as, the equinoctial line.
  • Equinoctial (a.) - Pertaining to the regions or climate of the equinoctial line or equator; in or near that line; as, equinoctial heat; an equinoctial sun.
  • Equinoctial (a.) - Pertaining to the time when the sun enters the equinoctial points; as, an equinoctial gale or storm, that is, one happening at or near the time of the equinox, in any part of the world.
  • Equinoctial (n.) - The equinoctial line.
  • Equinoctially (adv.) - Towards the equinox.
  • Equinoctials - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
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