Definitions for stewarding
  • Steward (n.) - A man employed in a large family, or on a large estate, to manage the domestic concerns, supervise other servants, collect the rents or income, keep accounts, and the like.
  • Steward (n.) - A person employed in a hotel, or a club, or on board a ship, to provide for the table, superintend the culinary affairs, etc. In naval vessels, the captain's steward, wardroom steward, steerage steward, warrant officers steward, etc., are petty officers who provide for the messes under their charge.
  • Steward (n.) - A fiscal agent of certain bodies; as, a steward in a Methodist church.
  • Steward (n.) - In some colleges, an officer who provides food for the students and superintends the kitchen; also, an officer who attends to the accounts of the students.
  • Steward (n.) - In Scotland, a magistrate appointed by the crown to exercise jurisdiction over royal lands.
  • Steward (v. t.) - To manage as a steward.
  • Stewarded - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Stewarding - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Stewardly (adv.) - In a manner, or with the care, of a steward.
  • Stewards - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Steward's - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
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