Definitions for tangentally
  • Tangent (v. t.) - A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
  • Tangent (a.) - Touching; touching at a single point
  • Tangent (a.) - meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces.
  • Tangental (a.) - Tangential.
  • Tangentally - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Tangently - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Tangents - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Tangent's - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
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