Definitions for decad
  • Decad (n.) - A decade.
  • Decadal (a.) - Pertaining to ten; consisting of tens.
  • Decadally - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decadation - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decade (n.) - A group or division of ten; esp., a period of ten years; a decennium; as, a decade of years or days; a decade of soldiers; the second decade of Livy.
  • Decadence (n.) - Alt. of Decadency
  • Decadences - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decadencies - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decadency (n.) - A falling away; decay; deterioration; declension. \"The old castle, where the family lived in their decadence.\"
  • Decadent (a.) - Decaying; deteriorating.
  • Decadently - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decadents - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decades - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decade's - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decadic - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Decads - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
ad ae de ed
3 Letter Words
ace add cad dad
4 Letter Words
aced cade dace dead