Definitions for suturations
  • Sutural (a.) - Of or pertaining to a suture, or seam.
  • Sutural (a.) - Taking place at a suture; as, a sutural de/iscence.
  • Suturally (adv.) - In a sutural manner.
  • Suturated (a.) - Sewed or knit together; united by a suture; stitched.
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  • Suturations - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Suture (n.) - The act of sewing; also, the line along which two things or parts are sewed together, or are united so as to form a seam, or that which resembles a seam.
  • Suture (n.) - The uniting of the parts of a wound by stitching.
  • Suture (n.) - The stitch by which the parts are united.
  • Suture (n.) - The line of union, or seam, in an immovable articulation, like those between the bones of the skull; also, such an articulation itself; synarthrosis. See Harmonic suture, under Harmonic.
  • Suture (n.) - The line, or seam, formed by the union of two margins in any part of a plant; as, the ventral suture of a legume.
  • Suture (n.) - A line resembling a seam; as, the dorsal suture of a legume, which really corresponds to a midrib.
  • Suture (n.) - The line at which the elytra of a beetle meet and are sometimes confluent.
  • Suture (n.) - A seam, or impressed line, as between the segments of a crustacean, or between the whorls of a univalve shell.
  • Sutured (a.) - Having a suture or sutures; knit or united together.
  • Sutures - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Suturing - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
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