Definitions for enclitically
  • Enclitic (v. i.) - Alt. of Enclitical
  • Enclitic (n.) - A word which is joined to another so closely as to lose its proper accent, as the pronoun thee in prithee (pray thee).
  • Enclitical (v. i.) - Affixed; subjoined; -- said of a word or particle which leans back upon the preceding word so as to become a part of it, and to lose its own independent accent, generally varying also the accent of the preceding word.
  • Enclitically (adv.) - In an enclitic manner; by throwing the accent back.
  • Enclitics (n.) - The art of declining and conjugating words.
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
ae ai al an at ay el en et in it la li na ne ta ti ya ye