Definitions for principalities
  • Principal (a.) - Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree; most considerable or important; chief; main; as, the principal officers of a Government; the principal men of a state; the principal productions of a country; the principal arguments in a case.
  • Principal (a.) - Of or pertaining to a prince; princely.
  • Principal (n.) - A leader, chief, or head; one who takes the lead; one who acts independently, or who has controlling authority or influence; as, the principal of a faction, a school, a firm, etc.; -- distinguished from a subordinate, abettor, auxiliary, or assistant.
  • Principal (n.) - The chief actor in a crime, or an abettor who is present at it, -- as distinguished from an accessory.
  • Principal (n.) - A chief obligor, promisor, or debtor, -- as distinguished from a surety.
  • Principal (n.) - One who employs another to act for him, -- as distinguished from an agent.
  • Principal (n.) - A thing of chief or prime importance; something fundamental or especially conspicuous.
  • Principal (n.) - A capital sum of money, placed out at interest, due as a debt or used as a fund; -- so called in distinction from interest or profit.
  • Principal (n.) - The construction which gives shape and strength to a roof, -- generally a truss of timber or iron, but there are roofs with stone principals. Also, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing.
  • Principal (n.) - In English organs the chief open metallic stop, an octave above the open diapason. On the manual it is four feet long, on the pedal eight feet. In Germany this term corresponds to the English open diapason.
  • Principal (n.) - A heirloom; a mortuary.
  • Principal (n.) - The first two long feathers of a hawk's wing.
  • Principal (n.) - One of turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and center of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned.
  • Principal (n.) - A principal or essential point or rule; a principle.
  • Principalities (pl. ) - of Principality
  • Principality (n.) - Sovereignty; supreme power; hence, superiority; predominance; high, or the highest, station.
  • Principality (n.) - A prince; one invested with sovereignty.
  • Principality (n.) - The territory or jurisdiction of a prince; or the country which gives title to a prince; as, the principality of Wales.
  • Principality's - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Principally (adv.) - In a principal manner; primarily; above all; chiefly; mainly.
  • Principalness (n.) - The quality of being principal.
  • Principalnesses - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Principals - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Principate (n.) - Principality; supreme rule.
  • Principates - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Principe - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Principes - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
ae ai al an ar as at el en er es et in is it la li na ne pa pe pi re si ta ti
4 Letter Words
aces acne acre acts ails ains airn airs airt aits alec ales alit alps alts anes anil anis ante anti ants aper apes apps apse arcs ares aril arse arts asci ates cain cane cans cant cape caps care carl carn carp cars cart case cast cate cats ceil cels celt cent ceps cine cire cist cite clan clap clip crap cris crit earl earn ears east eats elan epic eras erns erst etas etic etna ices ilea ilia inia inti ires iris isle lace lacs laic lain lair lane laps lari lars lase last late lati lats lean leap lear leas leis lens lent lept lest lets liar lice lien lier lies line lins lint lipa lipe lips lira lire liri lisp list lite lits nail nape naps narc neap near neat nest nets nice nils nipa nips nisi nite nits pace pacs pact pail pain pair pale palp pals pane pans pant paps pare pars part pase past pate pats peal pean pear peas peat pecs pein pelt pens pent peps peri perp pert pest pets pial pian pias pica pice pics pier pies pile pili pina pine pins pint pipe pips pirn pita pits plan plat plea plie prat prep race rail rain rais rale rani rant rape raps rapt rase rasp rate rats real reap recs rein reis rent repp reps rest rets rial rias rice riel rile rins ripe rips rise rite sail sain sale salp salt sane sari sate sati scan scar scat seal sear seat sect sent sept sera seta sial sice silt sine sipe sire site slap slat slip slit snap snip snit spae span spar spat spec spic spin spit star step stir tace tael tail tain talc tale tali tans tape taps tare tarn tarp tars teal tear teas tela tels tens tepa tern tics tier ties tile tils tine tins tipi tips tire tirl trap tres trip tsar