Definitions for discernableness
  • Discern (v. t.) - To see and identify by noting a difference or differences; to note the distinctive character of; to discriminate; to distinguish.
  • Discern (v. t.) - To see by the eye or by the understanding; to perceive and recognize; as, to discern a difference.
  • Discern (v. i.) - To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.
  • Discern (v. i.) - To make cognizance.
  • Discernable - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discernableness - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discernably - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discernance (n.) - Discernment.
  • Discerned (imp. & p. p.) - of Discern
  • Discerner (n.) - One who, or that which, discerns, distinguishes, perceives, or judges; as, a discerner of truth, of right and wrong.
  • Discerners - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discernibility - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discernible (a.) - Capable of being discerned by the eye or the understanding; as, a star is discernible by the eye; the identity of difference of ideas is discernible by the understanding.
  • Discernibleness (n.) - The quality of being discernible.
  • Discernibly (adv.) - In a manner to be discerned; perceptibly; visibly.
  • Discerning (a.) - Acute; shrewd; sagacious; sharp-sighted.
  • Discerning (p. pr. & vb. n.) - of Discern
  • Discerningly (adv.) - In a discerning manner; with judgment; judiciously; acutely.
  • Discernment (n.) - The act of discerning.
  • Discernment (n.) - The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; sagacity; insight; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.
  • Discernments - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
  • Discerns - Sorry, we do not have a definition for this word
Words in your word
2 Letter Words
ab ad ae ai al an ar as ba be bi de ed el en er es id in is la li na ne re si
4 Letter Words
abed able abri aced aces acid acne acre aide aids ails ains airn airs albs alec alee ales ands anes anil anis arbs arcs ares arid aril arse asci bade bads bail bald bale bals band bane bani bans bard bare barn bars base bass bead bean bear beds been beer bees bels bend bene bens bias bice bide bids bier bile bind bine bins bird birl bise blae bled blin brad brae bran bras bred bree bren brie brin bris cabs cade cadi cads caid cain cane cans carb card care carl carn cars case cede cedi cees ceil cels cere cess cine cire clad clan crab cred crib cris dabs dace dais dale dals dans darb dare darn deal dean dear debs deer dees deil dele deli dels dene deni dens dere dial dibs dice diel dies dine dins dire dirl disc diss drab dree drib earl earn ears ease eels eide elan elds else ends eras erne erns eses esne iced ices idea ides idle ilea inns ired ires isba isle labs lace lacs lade lads laic laid lain lair land lane lard lari lars lase lass lead lean lear leas leer lees leis lend lens less liar libs lice lids lied lien lier lies line linn lins lira lire nabe nabs nail nans narc nard near nebs need nene nerd ness nibs nice nide nils nine race rads raid rail rain rais rale rand rani rase read real rebs recs rede reds reed reel rees rein reis rend rial rias ribs rice ride rids riel rile rind rins rise sabe sabs sacs sade sadi said sail sain sale sals sand sane sans sard sari sass scab scad scan scar seal sear seas secs seed seel seen seer sees seis sels send sene sera sere sers sial sibs sice sics side sild sine sins sire sirs slab sled slid sned snib sris